River-of-Heaven Open-Topped Ferry-Ride Page 2
While I glow with delusion and whiskey,
gettin my viands by the fossil-load,
the side effects of which are knowledge and joy,
I just watch the gametalists and their gametality;
it's like the whole Wan Wu Honeycomb
is one big gametangium;
I'm an immanentologist
gathering the moon beams
while an armamentarium
of love and laughter
keeps the others separated from heaven;
- it's the armamentarium of gametality,
a gametality of eons,
versus a pure deathlessness -ataraxy and athanasy;
humans laws are three fold -
secular, temporal, and gametal,
and the man-and-wife-adam-and-eve team
broke gametal law.
Eve is as bad as Lillith.
And Adam's bein' stupid -
time to reconsecrate the apple,
disarm the armamentarium of gametality,
with the waking call of thunderlight.
But the gametology circus around here is ridiculous,
lions defying lightning to gallop in the gametist mist;
so yeah, I propose to free humanity of its three-fold bondage,
of capitalism, monotheism, and gametality -
throw off the saddle of our division and the frost of disrepair!
And on black friday and black saturday and black sunday
and cyber monday and the black weeks that follow, in america,
I followed the christmas shoppers to the mall but I stayed outside,
on the black tarmac, in the sun,
and I speculated on the people in that black box with a target on the outside of it,
and I thought, now there goes a treacly mass of capitalism, monotheism,
gametality, and downright attachment, all gooed up in to a sticky mass
that'll take half a year to scrape off of these souls in the ablating solar wind.
So, today we sit here with quiet science,
but tomorrow we ring the bell of delusion.